Tag Archives: offended

Can I ask if you’re Temply Worthy?

I offended a guy yesterday pretty bad and am still confused as to how. We’d been txting and calling on and off for about a month and a half. Only once or twice a week and he was extremely busy with school so we were having a hard time finding a time to actually meet in person for the first time.

I met him online and he seemed like a nice guy, but within the first couple dates I like to know if the guys I’m dating are temple worthy. It’s important for me to know since if I were to get serious with a guy, he’d have to be. I plan on getting married in the temple someday. Online dating makes it easier most the time since a profile will say right up front if the guy I’m looking at is or not. However, his profile did not.

So yesterday, since we’d been having so much trouble meeting and even getting a hold of each other, I decided to just ask him straight out what I was wondering. I asked him if he was temple worthy, and this is basically the txt I got back:

“You know what? I am temple worthy but I don’t feel like advertising it online. I don’t want to meet you. And that’s really immature for you to ask me in a txt. BYE!”

I was shocked at his angry offended reaction. Why in the world would someone be ashamed to admit they are worthy to enter the temple? This kind of a question is what every LDS person has the right to know about anyone they are dating. I’ve never received this kind of a reaction or offended anyone by asking this question before. Not even from the many guys who have answered, “No, I’m not.”

If I can’t ask important questions, I’ll never find someone who works for me. Neither will he. And I STILL don’t see how it’s a question that someone might find offensive. Especially if they ARE temple worthy.

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Filed under Dates, Important Questions, Online Dating, Temple Worthy